Andromeda has done diverse productions in film, commercial work, and theater. She has a grounded education in classical methods and experimental techniques, as well as training in industry-standard techniques for film. She supplements her training with studies in languages, martial arts, vocal work, and  Andromeda focuses mainly on film projects and writing these days.

Andromeda Ross has been an avid film buff since she was a child, growing up on classics of the silver and small screens. She began acting in middle school. and appeared in musicals and other plays throughout high school, before entering the Dramatic Arts program at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. 

At UNO, she focused on acting, directing, and costumes, while receiving a rounded education in all aspects of theatrical production. Her acting training followed modern and classical methods—as well as a deep focus on mythos and archetypes—for UNO's experimental theatrical productions. Following the philosophy of her program, Andromeda gained knowledge in all areas of education: STEM, the Humanities, and the Fine Arts. She particularly liked studying the humanities—a passion she picked up from her parents' studies in history and anthropology—which allowed her to get to the core of her characters and create richer performances. She received dance and vocal training for stage and music, and has worked with multiple dialects for the stage and screen. She plays some guitar, drums, and piano.

In addition to traditional theatrical study, Andromeda continued to study film, now with an eye toward craft, and began seeking work in the film industry, both in front of and behind the camera. She also worked in many capacities for the Nebraska Shakespeare Festival (NSF), including teaching Shakespeare to K-12 students through the outreach program Shakespeare Unbound. In this program, she learned stage combat and supplemented that training with martial arts such as fencing, Yi Li Chuan, Tai-Chi, and more. 

After graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Dramatic Arts, Andromeda moved to Austin, TX, where she became a photographer and model. She also learned about the distribution side of the film industry, as well as continuing to study her craft through contests, challenges, and improv. She studied multiple languages: German, Spanish, Italian, French, Russian, Standard Chinese, Gaelic, and American Sign Language (ASL). She also gave vocal coaching lessons and focused more on writing.

In 2017, Andromeda moved back to the Midwest to recover from illness and care for an elderly relative. During this hiatus, she expanded her talents in singing, writing, photography, and visual art. She continued to study film, creating a film critique blog and starting a pop culture and fandom podcast with her best friend. She also took up archery and began training in Krav Maga. In 2020, she stepped up activism efforts by creating a resource for cultural literacy.

These days, Andromeda continues to study and seek work in the industry she loves, focusing on film and commercials. She's also learning the editing and cinematography side of film work and has already begun experimenting.

Career Highlights

    • Nominated by Austin Revolution Film Festival for Best US Actress for my role in Remote alongside 8 other nominations for the film, including Best US Picture.
    • Part of the production of All in the Timing chosen to be performed at the John F. Kennedy Center for Performing Arts in Washington D.C.
    • Helped establish Shakespeare Unbound as part of Nebraska Shakespeare Festival's Outreach Program, geared toward teaching K-12 children about Shakespeare outside of the classroom.

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