Greetings! I am a film & stage actress with more than two decades experience in the biz. Here you will find information on my past & current projects, as well as insight into my process and plans for the future through my blog.


9 Nominations for Remote!
(including Best Actress!!)

Remote has been nominated for nine awards at Austin Revolution Film Festval, including Best US Actress for my role as Nikki Young!


We received word that Remote got nine (9) nominations from Austin Revolution Film Festival, including a Best US Actress award for my role as Nikki Young!!

After the last couple of years of filming and reshoots, Remote has hit the festival circuit! We got into the Manchester Lift-Off Film Festival earlier this year, and we are now headed to Dubuque, IA for the Julien Dubuque International Film Festival!

I've been spending more time writing lately, a good companion to the home projects and health stuff taking up some of my focus right now. In addition to some personal writing projects, I'm writing a book (well, a couple of books), developing a TV series pitch, and working on some short film pieces. Yup, I like to keep busy.

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